Puberty: What you are too afraid to ask

Puberty: What you are too afraid to ask

How did this thing creep up on us – Puberty?
It’s tough on Lucas, who has the body of a 14 year old but very much the mind of a toddler. Unfortunately puberty comes upon a person biologically without any consideration to their mental state.Suddenly the early years look like a walk in the park in comparison to the unchartered territory of pre and early teen years. Most of us recoil in fear at the thought of
P-U-B-E-R-T-Y and would happily choose to live in denial for as long as we can but let’s be frank with each other, we need as much help and information
on this sensitive subject as we can get!Over the next few issues we will be covering all things related to puberty.
To start, I want to share this beautiful, honest article with you.
Developmental Delay, Menstruation and Denial.

This article highlights the exact reasons why we need to start talking.

Nina Zylstra
Editor of Special Kids

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