Help with Maths computation

Do you have battles with your child over math? Does your child do well with understanding the concepts taught but when it comes to computation, it’s a disaster? Are your child’s math papers a mess with columns that don’t line up?
These are all symptoms of dyslexia or dysgraphia, and if you answered yes to any of these questions, you might just be pulling your hair out with every math problem your child attempts.
Don’t despair! Here are some tricks and tips to help with computation!
The Strategies:
* Use large graph paper instead of notebook paper to write problems.
* If you must use notebook paper, make sure it’s wide ruled and turn it to the side so the rows can be aligned vertically instead of horizontally. It’s easier to line up problems this way.
* Get some colored pencils. Have your child use different colors for each different step in math.
* Make sure that multiplication facts are memorized and automatic. (Don’t use flashcards or traditional methods for this! The dyslexic learner doesn’t learn in this way).
* When modeling the steps to a problem, use colored pencils. Once again, use a different color for each step that is to be taken.
* Play easy-listening music in the background. This calms the student and is helpful for those with math anxiety.
* Have your child “teach” you how to do the problem. To teach something is to know something.
* Don’t get into arguments over how you did math when you were a child. These kids are exposed to new and different methods that don’t always make sense to us.
* If you don’t understand how “new” math works, contact your child’s teacher or principal and see if you can check out a teacher’s manual to help you understand it. If this can’t be done, you can often purchase used teacher’s manuals or books on eBay.
* Limit the number of problems your child does each evening. Talk to the teacher and have the amount lowered if this is a problem. There’s no need to do forty problems when your child can prove he knows how to do the math correctly with five problems.
Happy computing,